


Manage type 1 and type 2 diabetes effectively with the help of our tech tools

About Diabeto

Diabeto is a complete diabetes management system which consists of a non-intrusive bluetooth powered accessible hardware device that enables the transfer of blood glucose readings from your Glucometer into a smartphone. These readings are then stored securely on a cloud server for easy access to your data, anywhere, anytime! Currently, we are compatible with 33 glucometers which are widely available in the market throughout the world. Diabeto is a combination of, 1. Diabeto hardware which transmits readings from the Glucometer into smartphone.* 2. A smartphone application which gives detailed trends and insights about your Diabetes. These readings are securely pushed onto a secure cloud server. 3. A web application/interface which pulls the readings from the cloud server and give detailed insights similar to the Diabeto application. The web application is useful for remote monitoring by parents and healthcare practitioners. Customers/Users Our primary users are people living with Type 1, Type 2 and Gestational Diabetes. They define our B2C clients. Our B2B clients are Hospitals/Healthcare organizations, Insurance companies, Governments and other Diabetes businesses who are interested in accessing the data via our hardware into their application. We enable this data transfer via our software SDK. Our hardware is open hardware however the firmware, mobile applications and cloud as well as the software SDK is closed source. Our hardware is CE certified, Class 1a device while the entire system is FDA 510(k) exempt and our FDA strategy is in place and technical documentation is ready for FDA registration. Our true innovation and competitive edge lies in the entire full stack system which makes the entire architecture robust and very difficult to reproduce, at the same time, the problem of Diabetes management is solved easily with the help of our suit of mobile applications and cloud software. Traction Updates 1. We have pre-order from 32 countries worth $25,000 2. We finished the 1st batch of manufacturing in China, expected shipping is 3rd-4th week of May. 3. Our Android application and cloud has 2800 active users, we are growing at 5% every week. 4. We closed a deal with a Finnish Diabetes company - Quattrofolia for a pilot worth $5,000 5. Finnish (Medcase) and UK distributers (Davison distribution UK) will be pilot testing the market with our product starting from May 6. Finalising a deal with an Intel-GE company (Under NDA) worth $100,000 for 2000 Diabetos in the year 2016 7. In talks with IBM Israel for collaboration for their enterprise healthcare clients via Bluemix. 8. Pilot for another cloud based product - Diabeto Doc (Population management software) will begin from early June in India and Ireland.

Data Diabeto

Created United States · India, May/2012
Status Startup
Total inversión 1.520.000€
Rondas inversión
  • Early/Startup

Acceleradoras Diabeto 1