About JobMojito
Offer our white-label AI tools to your job seekers to boost their success in interviews. Allow them to train for various job roles, improve soft skills, gain insights on the best practices in interviews, and prepare for potential interview questions.
We offer two operational models: companies can cover the costs for job seekers, or job seekers can pay on their own.
1. The ability to sponsor job seekers so they do not need to pay for the services is a great option for government agencies, universities, coaching organizations, and workforce redeployment agencies.
2. On the other hand, in the model where job seekers pay for the services, you receive a commission from each sale. This is ideal for job portals, blogs, or influencers.
Our affiliates also promote our Interview AI pre-screening service to companies that are looking to deploy AI avatar-based interview flows.
Learn more in our 2 min video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVoWbK55H-c
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