About Lost Keys Locksmith
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Emergency Locksmiths, Residential Locksmiths, Commercial Locksmiths, Lock Change Locksmiths, Car & Automotive Locksmiths
Lost Key Locksmiths is a one-stop shop for all of your locksmith needs. Our Sydney locksmith services fall under six main categories:
The first are our emergency locksmith service. This service provides our customers with urgent support 24/7. We can help people who are locked out of their homes, cars, or commercial businesses. We also help with broken locks and lost keys too!
The next are our commercial locksmith services. This service helps commercial businesses to maintain security by repairing, replacing, installing and rekeying locks.
We also provide residential locksmith services around Sydney. We can improve your home security by installing high-security locks, deadbolts, and keyless entry systems. We also help with getting people back into their homes when they’ve lost their keys or broken a lock.
Our mobile locksmiths of Sydney provide lock change services to your home. We can replace and repair old locks as well as install new ones. Plus, we help with lockouts and provide security assessments for your peace of mind.
Lost Key Locksmiths also provides car and automotive locksmith services. We can safely get back into any vehicle without causing damage. We can also cut and program new keys as well as diagnose a range of other automotive issues.
Lastly, our team can help with garage doors too! We can repair and replace old garage doors as well as install brand-new ones. We can service your garage door motor and also install remote garage keys.
No. of employees:
Year of establishment:
Business Hours:
24 hours
Payment Methods:
Visa, Mastercard, Apple Pay, PayPal, Cash
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