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Lymphatic Therapy Services


Lymphatic Therapy Services of San Diego is an integrative center that provides support for those with lymphatic challenges, Lyme disease.


About Lymphatic Therapy Services

Lymphatic Therapy Services of San Diego is an integrative center that provides support for those with lymphatic challenges, Lyme disease, pre and post- surgical care, connective tissue and fat disorders. We specialize in the treatment of lymphedema, lipedema, Dercum’s disease, Lyme disease, venous insufficiency, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, post- surgical lymphatic massage, post surgical liposuction facelifts, knee replacement, hip replacement. We incorporate lymphatic massage, manual lymph drainage, aromatherapy, nutritional counseling and lifestyle into our therapies Linda Anne Kahn CLT-LANA director of Lymphatic Therapy Services brings over 35 years of Clinical experience and training She combines lymphatic drainage massage, customized essential oil blends and nutrition and lifestyle counseling. She gives total support to every person and individualizes program specific to the patient's needs. Our therapists are highly skilled and caring and attend to our patients with the utmost of care. We have an acupuncturist and a naturopath on board to help with related conditions. Pre and Post-Surgical Care In a supportive environment. We will help you with the healing process after surgeries with Manual Lymph Drainage massage (MLD). This therapy will greatly hasten the healing after cosmetic surgeries or liposuction, breast reconstruction or reduction, or knee, hip or shoulder surgeries. MLD reduces the edema and bruising that often occurs secondary to surgery. The benefits of MLD for pre and post-surgical care assist the healing process. MLD will increase oxygenation, hydration, and cellular metabolism, thus, aiding the health of the tissue. MLD performed pre-surgically prepares the tissue for surgery by removing toxic debris and cleansing the connective tissue. This, in turn promotes healing, minimizes swelling and bruising, and helps to avoid hematomas. MLD administered as soon as possible after surgery will increase waste disposal by transporting protein-damaged cells, inflammatory products, and toxins away from the area. This facilitates the healing process

Data Lymphatic Therapy Services

Created United States, August/2004

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