
QR Code Creator


QR Code Creator helps users create QR codes and track its usage with this handy online tool.

About QR Code Creator

QR Code Creator helps users create QR codes and track its usage with this handy online tool. QR is short for Quick Response (they can be read quickly by a smart phone). They are a type of barcode with information that can be scanned and acted upon by your smart phone. The reason why they are more useful than a standard barcode is that they can store (and digitally present) much more data, including url links, geo coordinates, and text. The other key feature of QR Codes is that instead of requiring a chunky hand-held scanner to scan them, many smart phones can scan them.

Data QR Code Creator

Created Netherlands, September/2015
Status Seed

Equipo QR Code Creator 1

Inversores QR Code Creator 0

Acceleradoras QR Code Creator 0

Noticias QR Code Creator 0