Pending review

About Saamsha Technologies

IBM i / AS400 and JD Edwards World Are you running JD Edwards World on an IBM i / AS400? You’ll need a support team who is experienced in both technologies, especially when you need to upgrade either system. Any third-party tools, like WMS, CRM, MQ Series, or EDI, will affect the logistics of making changes to either your AS/400 or World environments. RPGLE, RPG IV, RPG III, ILE RPG, Fixed & Free Format, SQL RPGLE,COBOL/400, DB2/400, CL/400, SQL, Query/400, Aldon Change Management System, AS/SET, ODW Tool, Json, XML, Experienced IBM i (As/400), Infor LX(BPCS), JD Edwards, Business process, redesign & ERP, evaluation Experienced professionals with 20+ years of experience Business Email: kaushalw@saamsha.com

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