
sisu labs


Real-time social media intelligence using Natural Language Processing. Makers of sento - sentoapp.com

About sisu labs

We are revolutionizing social media analytics by marrying NLP with big data processing for real-time semantic analysis. Our technology can instantly extract sentiment, emotion, entities (products, brands, persons, etc.) and topics as fast as the speed of social media. Our product, sento, is the result of years of research in Natural Language Processing techniques and industry-standard Business Intelligence tools, put together to provide the world’s most accurate semantic analysis tools to excel in social media -- while at the same time respecting the real-time nature of Twitter. sento is the only commercial real-time semantic analysis tool that was built specifically for Twitter.

Data sisu labs

Created Spain · United Kingdom, September/2013
Workers 7
Status Startup

Inversores sisu labs 0

Acceleradoras sisu labs 0

Noticias sisu labs 0