About Teistus
Teistus allows you to share your opinions about food with the restaurant and whoever else you want.
And what do you get from that? Money, we give you money for your opinions.
Teistus gives restaurants all data related to valuations about their food. Presentation, Service and Taste. We will be able to track the conversation in the networks and extract the real information and data from it.
We are focused on a market that has already some good actors but mostly focused on user comments or reservations, no one is focused in restaurants as we do.
Some of the current actors on the market offer discount vouchers or promotions to users who comment or value a restaurant. But users don’t care as much about them as they will do about money they can transfer and waste whenever they want in anything they want.
What for would I want a voucher or discount to come back to a restaurant I disliked?
We want to help restaurants to grow and for this reason we care about our customer by rewarding their interaction with restaurants. Money is just a way of involving users in a matter that is exclusively a concern for restaurants.
Our business model is based on a subscription service that restaurants pay monthly or annually. With this subscription they can access the data from te opinions of our users about their restaurant or business.
Our premium services provide restaurants the opportunity of sending push notifications to customers or potential customers.
The decision of where to eat is every day more mobile so users will receive in their phones instantly all the news about restaurants, special events or promotions without having to look for them. Stay tunned!
Data Teistus
Acceleradoras Teistus 0
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Noticias Teistus 0
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