


We provide online accelerator programmes to universities so they can offer training & support to student entrepreneurs

About Mashauri

Mashauri's mission is to improve the success rate of new businesses across the globe. We do this through two types of programmes: > Acceleration programmes and workshops, where entrepreneurs are guided and supported while they conceive and build their new ventures. > Training courses, where entrepreneurs are able to build out their knowledge base with specific skills and subject matter which they will need to develop their ventures. The majority of our services are online, although we do offer some blended programmes (mixture of online and offline) to meet demand for those times where face to face is necessary and feasible. For more detail of course structure, go to "programme structure" in the "Course" menu item at www.mashauri.org We have curated the very best and the most relevant programmes for entrepreneurs. Every course has been tested by our entrepreneurial community and we constantly manage the course portfolio to bring you the best of the best - at an affordable price. All courses include training materials and useful tools and templates to kick-start your learning. The majority of modules end with a quiz which you need to pass before moving onto the next phase. This way you know that you have sufficient understanding to proceed.

Data Mashauri

Created Spain · United Kingdom, April/2013

Estrategia de la acceleradora

  • Looking for SEED/EARLY/GROWTH stage
  • Not a seed-based accelerator
  • No equity raken
  • Program timing is tailored to venture
  • Mentors: YES
  • Training: YES
  • Office space: NO
  • Team required: (preferably 2 or more co-founders)
  • Broad scope but we do like tech, recent graduates and commitment

Portfolio Mashauri 0