

Invest from €500

  • 110.29% completed
  • 07/2023 Closed on
  • Invested €551,450
  • Max. €500,000
  • 110.29% completed
  • 59 Investors
  • 07/2023
Invest in less than 5 min.

Understanding the investment opportunity

AUNOA has designed a SaaS solution based on Artificial Intelligence with its own technology that automates Customer Service processes in companies with high demand for customer interaction, such as e-commerce, utilities (gas, electricity, water, banking, insurance, etc.) and services and Public Administrations; for this purpose it uses natural language recognition (NLP) techniques, achieving average automation rates close to 70%.
AUNOA is a company dedicated to automating management, processing and customer or citizen service processes, using Artificial Intelligence techniques, specifically natural language recognition (NLP) through conversational channels (such as WhatsApp, Instagram, FB Messenger, Telegram, Alexa, Google BM, etc.). AUNOA is also one of the few companies in this sector that carries out these processes with tools developed entirely 'in-house' in open source, i.e. without resorting to third-party tools or language models or algorithms.
Unlike other commercial solutions that use standard language models, AUNOA has made a great development effort to improve the quality of the language models in Spanish and the co-official languages.
It is especially important to highlight that AUNOA's language models in Spanish and co-official languages are probably the most evolved for these uses, validated in the framework of a CDTI research project (January 2021- June 2022) to improve the state of the art of Spanish and the co-official languages of the state (Galician, Basque, Catalan, Valencian). Specifically in the linguistic tasks of summarisation, question & answer, disambiguation and sentiment analysis, it improves between 4 and 9 points the current state of the art of these models, considering as such the models of Facebook or Google, a very significant advantage in this field.
AUNOA's solution is specifically designed for customer or citizen services, being applicable to any type of customer service in companies or institutions that have a high demand for queries.




  • banking
  • insurance
  • utilities
  • (+4)


Fiscal benefits

Investing in Aunoa offers you fiscal benefits

Aunoa Team

Fernando Pérez Borrajo Director Corporativo
Fernando Pérez Borrajo
Director Corporativo

Emprendedor 'senior', que queda mucho mejor que 'en serie'

Jose Manuel Sanchis Director de Desarrollo de Negocio
Jose Manuel Sanchis
Director de Desarrollo de Negocio

Ángel Navarro Director de Operaciones
Ángel Navarro
Director de Operaciones

AI is in the AIr

Jesús Iglesias Director de Tecnología
Jesús Iglesias
Director de Tecnología

Current investors






Reasons to invest View more data

    • We are a team with extensive and successful experience in startups, technology, sales and management, and specifically in the sector in which we operate.
    • We have a great product tested in the market, powerful and fully validated: we have zero churn and a very high percentage of upgrades and upselling.
    • Our technology and product have passed the "hype" or "early adopter" cycle and are now being massively adopted by enterprises.
    • We have strong repeat customers, in several countries, different sectors and a solid reputation in the market.
    • Our sales are growing steadily even without a sales team until Q4-2022.



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        Opportunity analysis Last update Jul 28, 2023 4:08:45 PM

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