

Invest in Wecaria from 500€

  • 106.39% completed
  • 06/2023 Closed on
  • Invested €106,393
  • Max. €100,000
  • 106.39% completed
  • 54 Investors
  • 06/2023
Invest in less than 5 min.

Understanding the investment opportunity

Wecaria digitises vehicles by means of a plug-and-play device that extracts real-time data from its control unit. This data feeds an app for drivers (Wecaria) and software for workshops (Panopticar).

Wecaria, the app for drivers, allows them to know the status of their vehicle, and ensure their own and their family's safety through parental controls, accident warnings, and other functionalities that will allow them not only to save but also to earn money. 

Panopticar, for its part, is software for workshops designed to build customer loyalty. This software also manages the automated sending of marketing campaigns to each driver according to the real needs of each car, using real-time data collected from the control units.

The market share of official garages is falling year after year. Loyalty problems can be explained by several reasons: poor user experience, the workshop's inability to run campaigns that meet the real needs of drivers, lack of knowledge of all the information necessary to profile customers (essential for marketing), etc.

The medium to long-term outlook is also negative: the older a vehicle is the less likely it is to return to the official garage (50% of customers stop returning if the car is 5 years old, and only 20% return if the car is more than 15 years old). The problem? Second-hand vehicles account for 60% of annual sales, and of these, 59% are more than 10 years old. All in all, the result is that Spain's car fleet is one of the oldest in Europe, with 6 out of 10 vehicles older than a decade. 

Wecaria has designed a hardware device that the workshop buys for its customers. The device, which is connected in a moment (as easy as a USB), collects data from the vehicle's control unit, and this data is sent to a free app by the drivers (Wecaria) and to software by the garages (Panopticar).

Panopticar provides garages with real-time data on each connected vehicle, allowing campaigns, promotions, discounts, etc. to be activated, offering what each user needs just when they need it. A vehicle breaks down? The driver automatically receives a notification to the app informing them of the car's problem and its severity, and the garage receives a notification informing them of the customer's needs. The system puts them in contact to make an appointment, having been able to inform the price of the operation remotely and instantly.  

This type of communication allows the workshop to resolve customer queries remotely, improving the experience and giving the driver the feeling that the workshop is trying to help them, thus improving their relationship. In addition, in the event of an accident or breakdown, drivers value the help they receive much more positively. 





  • automotive
  • mobility
  • big data
  • (+1)


Fiscal benefits

Investing in Wecaria offers you fiscal benefits

Wecaria Team

Xavi Espinal CoCEO
Xavi Espinal

Ingeniero electrónico y de automatismos. 3 titulaciones (1 grado, 1 postgrado y 1 máster, incluyendo un Executive MBA)

Marc Busom Rodriguez CoCEO
Marc Busom Rodriguez

Científico de datos y Python developer. Tiene 6 titulaciones (2 grados, 1 postgrado y 3 másteres, incluyendo un MBA).

Emprèn UPC

Emprèn UPC





Salta 2022

Salta 2022


Reasons to invest View more data

Invest for its potential

  • The data with which Wecaria operates allows the development of numerous different verticals and functionalities, which translates into a greater diversification of revenue sources; companies and entities from a wide variety of sectors and markets can be its clients (insurance companies, car sharing, leasing companies, public bodies, etc.). 
  • Smart and data-driven mobility is growing year after year and is one of the most attractive fields for investment. Its turnover is expected to double by 2026, reaching USD 91 billion. Some experts recommend investing in companies in the sector that specialize, above all, in fields related to connectivity and data science and analytics, such as Wecaria.

Invest for the team

  • We operate in a sector that we know inside out; we have experts in the automotive sector on our team (a former Audi executive at a national level and a former Fiat Group executive also at a national level). 
  • One of the founders, Xavi, comes from a family that owns a group of workshops and dealerships, which gives us knowledge, experience, and a place to test and validate pilots. 
  • We have experts in data science and analysis and electronic engineering for our hardware.
  • We are also advised by Bartosz Fliekewitz, a doctor and university professor, and expert in vehicle control units, and we have important relationships with the main associations and employers' associations in the Spanish automotive sector. 

Invest in our achievements

  • We have won two awards for best project (Emprèn UPC and Keiretsu Forum).
  • We have been selected to be in Lanzadera, being one of the 54 selected out of more than 1,000 candidates.
  • We are in the Zaragoza SALTA acceleration program. 
  • We have been invited two years in a row, with our own stand, to 4YFN, the most important startup fair in the world.
  • Pioneering contract already closed for smart mobility for smart cities with Zaragoza City Council as the first city.


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Opportunity analysis Last update Dec 26, 2023 11:43:41 AM

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