


Drivy is the peer-to-peer car-rental leader platform in Europe

About Drivy

Drivy is the peer-to-peer car-rental leader platform in Europe, and now, it offers more than 35.000 cars, and more than 700.000 users. Drivy was born in Paris, and nowadays it operates in France, Germany and now, also in Spain. In big cities, cars are parked the 93% of the time. This is an opportunity, both for owners and drivers that need a car. The owners can earn money to cover the costs, and drivers can find a car wherever they are, whenever they need it. Proximity, flexibility and reliability, with an adhoc insurance with Allianz and 24/ road assistance.

Data Drivy

Created Spain · France, January/2010
Workers 56
Status Growth
Total inversión 1.520.000€
Rondas inversión
  • Early/Startup 04/2016
    31.000,00 K€
  • Early/Startup

Acceleradoras Drivy 0