How-to and guides for startups and investors: tutorials, tips, guidelines. Learn how to get found and funded. Learn how to become a better investor. From people with first-hand experience.
How Can Startups Benefit from HubSpot?
For startups, the journey from an idea to a full-fledged business is exhilarating but fraught with challenges. Planning for a HubSpot implementation during these early stages can significantly ease managing marketing efforts, sales funnels, and customer service. That's where HubSpot shines! It's designed to not only keep things organized, but also to accelerate growth. By integrating marketing, sales, and service activities onto one platform, ...
How to Scale Your Startup’s Online Presence: Key Tools for Success
Today’s digital-first world has made scaling a startup a very challenging yet rewarding process. These days, a strong online presence is a key factor for success. As your startup grows, so do the demands on your website. These demands might include handling increased traffic and making sure your customers’ data is secure. To meet these needs and make sure you continue to expand seamlessly, you need to invest in the right tools and ...
Risk Management For Start-ups: How To Prepare For Uncertain Time
Startups often face significant risks that could jeopardise their future. Financial bottlenecks, unexpected market developments and operational problems are just a few examples. A sudden slump in sales, legal problems, or the loss of a major customer can lead startups into uncertain times. To withstand these challenges, solid risk management is essential. Even in the early stages of a company, risk management should be integrated into the ...
Startups’ Approach to Simplifying Finances with Innovative Budgeting Techniques
For startups, managing finances efficiently is as crucial as it is for individuals. The lean and agile nature of startups requires innovative financial strategies that not only ensure operational efficiency but also foster long-term sustainability. Like many striving for financial stability, startups face similar challenges, albeit on a different scale. Here’s how startups are revolutionizing budgeting techniques and how these methods can be ...
How Startups Can Plan for the Quantum Computing Revolution
A mind-bending tech shift is coming. Quantum computers are poised to solve problems that stump even the strongest supercomputers today. With this new technology comes new innovation—but also new challenges. Cybersecurity in particular will be impacted, as quantum computing will allow hackers to crack encryption that they previously could not. What does this mean for startups and other businesses? Increased risk of damaging data breaches. ...
Five Digital Marketing Skills Entrepreneurs Should Know
If you have ever started a business, you will know that entrepreneurs wear many hats to run a business. From managing finances to overseeing operations, entrepreneurs have multiple responsibilities. There is one area that, in the past few years, has ballooned and cannot be overlooked anymore: digital marketing. If you are launching a startup or running an established business, understanding digital marketing is super important to getting ...
How To Pick Up Potential IPO Stocks To Grow Your Portfolio
An initial public offering (IPO) stock allows investors to get in on the ground floor of companies with promising futures and the potential for rapid growth early on. Stock traders and investors typically choose a mix of high-risk and low-risk stocks to make their portfolio robust, choosing the right IPOs for maximum returns. Analyzing Stocks The stock market has thousands of listed companies and dozens of new stocks listed annually ...
Tips on Fostering a Strong Work Community
Every business owner dreams of a buzzing workplace. One where colleagues get on with one another, know each other's strengths, and understand the importance of working in a team. Yet, there'll be many of us (in fact most of us) who have yet to work on a team that creates such inspiration. In fact, some team environments can be downright stifling. In order to avoid this, especially if you're at the start-up stage. We've asked some industry ...