
How does dilution affect my shares?


As an investor, do you know what dilution is and whether or not it should concern you? Here we give you the basics about what dilution is, what it consists of, when it occurs and how it can affect your participations.

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Why we emphasize cash flow analysis?

cash flow

Learn about cash flow analysis and why it is a crucial factor in a startup that, if left out, can lead to failure. We explain how we analyze the cash flow in Startupxplore and why we do it.

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How could the analysis of the startup carried out by Startupxplore affect my profitability?

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due diligence

There is one part of Startupxplore that we consider vital, and that is the analysis we carry out of the startup, what is commonly known as a limited Due Diligence and which we like to call “thorough analysis” of the key matters. This is nothing more than an analysis of the company on various aspects to validate the existence of certain risks and, if they exist, whether it makes sense to bear them. Our analysis focuses on the legal, tax, ...

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Diversification and the probability of independent events: advantages of diversification

Diversification and the probability of independent events

Why is diversification so important? In this post, we answer this question based on the theory of probability of independent events, where we see that the more startups in our portfolio, the less risk there is of failure and therefore, more probability of success we can achieve.

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