
Maristela Ruiz

Marketing at Startupxplore. Curious, active, cheerful, and challenges lover. Always in a hurry.

The Top 5 sexiest startup pages on Startupxplore

Having a complete company page with information about your startup is very important, it will help investors find you and know what your startup is about. And, what happens when investors find you? You should be attractive to them! And, how can your startup page be attractive? See these examples of complete and sexy startups pages, and after that just take 3 minutes to be creative and update your startup page to make investors have a crush on it!

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Five thoughtful tips for customer experience: get engaged and happy users

‘How can I get customers? How can I make them loyal? Should I give the best customer experience ever? How?’ If you’re a startup CEO I bet you ask yourself these questions kind of million times a day (not exaggerating…) We would like to share with you a selection from the posts we’ve been reading during September about customer experience, and the conclusions we draw from each of them. Enjoy!

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Meet Simbiotika, the LinkedIn for Spanish companies

The high availability of capital in the past few years has changed the investment landscape significantly. Startups are taking longer than usual to go public and it affects those who are looking for relevant information from such companies. Privately-held enterprises don’t have to disclose any kind of financial information to the public, only to their local financial institutions, and this is a problem that Simbiotika is trying to solve in Spain.

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Meet Typeform, the startup that is shaking up the way we answer questions

How many hours do we spend during our lifetime filling up forms online? Boring, endless, repetitive questions we have to answer everywhere. Typeform was born to save us time and make it a wonderful experience. We interviewed Typeform CEO, David Okuniev. Want to learn how to build an innovative business model around a typically boring task?

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Sexy startups attract sexy investors

We’re insisting again: having good profiles is crucial to be found on Startupxplore. We prepared a couple of posts with tips and recommendations some days ago, but today we are going to show you how one of our startups has applied all these tips into his profile. Let’s go!

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Capturing moments: the next step in photography


Audiosnaps is an app that takes pictures with sound in a single, standard JPG. We've interviewed the startup CEO, Marc Sallent. Find out why this app for android and iOS is changing photography.

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