How-to and guides for startups and investors: tutorials, tips, guidelines. Learn how to get found and funded. Learn how to become a better investor. From people with first-hand experience.
Essential Factors that Make an Innovative Startup
New startups are founded every day. While some of them succeed, many more ultimately fail. A common reason for this is that they failed to separate themselves from the crowd. If your startup isn't innovative, it will be hard to compete with other brands that may have more experience or money than you do.
Driving more online sales
Photo by Negative Space from Pexels The online marketing game is now a science – in the early days, it may have been much simpler to promote your products online because of the limited population that was present on the various online platforms. These days, pretty much everyone is online – both businesses and individuals – and it is more the exception than the rule if a brand or a person does not have a virtual component. Since on...
A Layperson’s Guide to Investing in a Start-Up
Before a layperson goes about putting their hard-earned money into a start-up, it is crucial to keep a few points in mind, that can help them choose the best option available.
Best Ways to Invest Your Money in 2020
Investments could be seen as an opportunity to save for the rainy days. They help you to gain extra income, which in turn helps you achieve financial goals and targets.
5 Actionable Tips for the Success of Omnichannel Marketing
Have you been keeping tabs on the marketing world? If so, you must have come across at least one mention of ‘omnichannel marketing’.
Five thoughtful tips for customer experience: get engaged and happy users
‘How can I get customers? How can I make them loyal? Should I give the best customer experience ever? How?’ If you’re a startup CEO I bet you ask yourself these questions kind of million times a day (not exaggerating…) We would like to share with you a selection from the posts we’ve been reading during September about customer experience, and the conclusions we draw from each of them. Enjoy!
The best posts on growth hacking: our monthly selection
Our monthly selection of posts: today, we're bringing to you a selection of the best posts on growth hacking. If you were too busy, and you're afraid you missed the hottest topics on growth hacking, you must read this post. 5 popular and resourceful posts on user growth. Enjoy.
Got time in your hands? 6 must-read books for founders and CEOs
Got some extra time this summer? Here are 6 books for entrepreneurs, founders and CEOs.
Learning from the best: 5 interviews with investors and founders
There are a ton of interviews out there with founders, CEOs and investors, but we've taken the time to select 5 that we consider very relevant and of high quality. Inspiration for these summer days.
From idea to success: the startup journey in 19 quotes
There's no better way to learn about the startup journey than to hear from founders and CEOs themselves. Here are 19 quotes that will inspire you to achieve your goals.