How-to and guides for startups and investors: tutorials, tips, guidelines. Learn how to get found and funded. Learn how to become a better investor. From people with first-hand experience.
6 Important Things To Know Before Starting Your Business
A lot of people dream of having their own business, thinking that is something that can be done by anyone. The truth is, however, a little bit different. Entrepreneurship can be pretty hard, and no matter how skilled you think you are, sometimes it’s just not enough.
Eight Powerful Strategies That Drive Successful Entrepreneurship
The 21st century brought a landscape of fast-evolving business climate, making it easy for entrepreneurs to get overwhelmed with the rising variety of opportunities and options. Staying focused on your objectives as an entrepreneur is crucial, and there are several powerful strategies entrepreneurs can implement to ensure their place is always near the top.
5 Things To Consider When Investing In Gold
Investing in gold has often been the go-to strategy for investors looking to protect their investment during times of economic uncertainty. This trend repeated itself after the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020. But while gold is undoubtedly a great store of value and investment, you shouldn't add it into your portfolio without first doing exhaustive research. After all, it's not immune to economic downturns like every other investment.
5 Best Data-Driven Lead Generation Strategies To Drive Growth
After you get your prospect interested, you should convey your value proposition and convince your potential client that your product or service is the best solution to their problems. Here are the five best data-driven lead generation strategies to help you increase business opportunities and drive growth.
6 Business Investments You Can Explore In 2022
As the year 2022 gets closer, it would be a good idea to take the time to consider having investments for your business. Investments can help your business gain more money from its profits and savings. This is an excellent strategy to ensure that the payoff will continue to grow even with fewer customers. It's also essential to keep your business stable in the event of any future economic challenge. There are different types of investments ...
Choosing A Binary Options Broker – A Step-By-Step Guide for Beginner Traders
Do you want to learn how to trade binary options? If you answer yes, the binary options broker you pick will influence whether or not you achieve your desired results.
Checklists for Writers
It is not a new thing that if you often perform the same sequence of actions, for example, turn off electrical appliances and lock the door every day before going out, it is difficult to remember whether these actions were performed on a particular day. Let’s see what benefits they bring to professionals engaged in writing and look at ways that a checklist can improve your work.
Why Internal Communications is Important to Business Success
When it comes to doing business, a lot of companies focus primarily on external communication — customer service and support, messaging and branding, advertisements, even dealing with vendors and other companies — but there's often a lack of focus on internal communication. Believe it or not, it can make as much of a difference in your business as external communication.
How To Easily Track Your Startup’s Finances
Staying on top of your new business’ finances can help you make better business decisions. Learn how to track your startup’s finances easily on our blog.
10 Opportunities to Bridge Online & Offline Retail
Without a doubt, retailers today are looking to have a presence that covers both online and offline elements of their consumers’ lives. This article is a guide on how to reach excellence in both virtual and physical retail directions.