
Javier Megias

Business Angel

Startup Director at Fundación Innovacion Bankinter. Co-founder Startupxplore

About Javier Megias

Javier Megias is an executive and investor with deep experience in innovation, corporate venturing and entrepreneurship. Computer Engineer and AMP by IE (Instituto de Empresa). Several years ago he co-founded Startupxplore, one of the leading fintech startup investment platforms in Spain, and currently holds the position of Startup Program Director at Fundación Innovación Bankinter. For the past years he has been advising and acting as a board member on several organizations, ranging from startups to corporates and VC funds. He is also an active business angel investor, has worked actively at European level, advising bodies such as the European Commission or acting as a member of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN TC/389 Innovation Management). In addition to this, he is currently a member of the High Level Advisory Board of the Pan-European Community ESIL (Early Stage Investing Launchpad). Javier also writes on the blog http://javiermegias.com/blog, winner of the 2011 award to the best business Spanish-speaking blog of the world.

Estrategia inversión Javier Megias

Información adicional:
  • Currently NOT open to new investments
  • Looking for SEED stage companies
  • Funds up to 30K€ per company
  • Teams fully commited
  • Usually 1-2 investments per year