How-to and guides for startups and investors: tutorials, tips, guidelines. Learn how to get found and funded. Learn how to become a better investor. From people with first-hand experience.
How to Build a Strong Social Media Strategy for Your Startup
Nowadays, social media isn’t just another optional marketing channel for small businesses and startups. It is essential for getting your brand out there and a great way to connect with your audience. In addition, it is far less expensive than other marketing channels.
How To Start a Business With Limited Resources
You have an idea and you want to share that idea with the world. So what are you waiting for?! Many people fail at starting their businesses because they give up before any real work is done. It’s important to check-in with yourself and your idea to ensure you’re ready.
Key Considerations for Setting up an eCommerce Startup
The eCommerce sector has seen significant growth in the last few years and it shows no signs of slowing down any time soon. This means that there is a great deal of potential for anybody starting out in the sector. Developments in software have also made it a lot easier and more affordable for everyday people to get involved, making it even more appealing. Although having an eCommerce store is easier than it used to be, there is still a lot ...
How Can Startups Enhance Their Customer Experience
So how can startups tilt the odds of success in their favor without years of experience? There are many strategies to implement such as improving your refund process, adding a loyalty program, and tracking the customer journey.
5 Ways to Boost Your Start Up’s Efficiency in 2020
Running a business requires a lot of organization and a strategic plan to follow. Striking a balance between all your focus areas is vital and will enable you to manage your resources better and adequately organize your finances.
How to use Technology to Improve Efficiency in the Workplace
The concept of work is constantly changing and, in a major sense, this is down to technology. Technology is a tool, and it is one that every workplace should be making the most of. In this article, we have compiled four ways to use technology to improve your efficiency in the workplace.
SaaS Startups Guide for a Profitable Product in 2020
There are new SaaS products being developed every day. Some of them succeed in having long-term success, while others fail almost right away. There are many reasons why a SaaS startup might fail, but one of the most common is that they simply don’t have a solid foundation.
Best Self-Employed Careers
There are many reasons why people look to become self-employed. It gives you absolute control over your working hours and workload, allowing you to easily fit around the other aspects of your life. It can also allow you to pursue a passion, whether that’s making and selling crafts, tutoring, writing, programming…there are so many options. Working for yourself can be immensely satisfying, knowing that you have single-handedly been involved ...
4 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Scale Up Their Start-Ups
Thinking about scaling your startup? This certainly isn’t an easy task, but if you have already recorded increased profits, then you’ve come a long way since launching and you’re definitely ready to scale. Don’t know where to start? In this post, we’re helping you with some useful tips that will help you prepare to scale your startup.
7 Marketing Tips For A Hospitality Startup in 2020
Marketing in the hospitality industry encompasses a whole lot of skills and strategies. There are various marketing strategies to implement but these are 7 tips you’ll be thankful for.